Are all the philosophers ugly?

The class is sometimes funny but there are those days when everybody seems half sleeping and awakening the interest looks an impossible aim

It is then when my superpower has to start working. Super imagination and creativity.

I will show you an example: I am a philosophy teacher and the most usual is finding authors that explain the subjects we are dealing with. I like showing photos of the authors so as they can link a face to the words and later it is easier to remember.

That day the class was very boring. I had already explained theories by Socrates, then by Descartes and finally by Kant.

A female student told me…

_ Why are all the philosophers so ugly?

_ Didn´t you know the rules? I answered

- Which ones? Asked the student.

Then I told them this story which was with us along the whole school year.

From the beginning of our philosophical history there have been many people who have dared to be philosophers. However, there have always been several very clear rules. One of them deals with aesthetic criteria: You have to be ugly to become a philosopher. That is why there is always an aesthetic committee to decide whether you can start your studies or not.

Pre Socratic philosophers established this rule and it has been alive until today. That is why when you go to university, there is also a group of teachers who decides if you are ugly enough to study there

All the students where attentive to my words. Some of them could not believe it was truth. Others were sure about it as all the philosophers I had introduced were in fact ugly, according to their standards.

The question is that from that day on, whenever a new philosopher was introduced there was a short debate about his/ her ugliness. They agreed that all of them were ugly, so the rule seemed to work

And the funniest thing was the last day of the school year when a student asked me

_ When you went to university, did you study philosophy?

_ Yes, of course, I answered

_ And were you examined by the aesthetic team?

_ Yes, I was selected as an ugly enough candidate to study there.

Then all the class decided I was not as ugly as that. It was the moment to tell them the truth. They could not believe they had believed me about this stupid rule.

And then they learnt one of the most important things in my class. You do not have to believe anything without argumentum, examination, investigation and proofs. Even if it is your teacher who has told it to you. You have to be critical!!!

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